Brand Identity
Brand Identity. It is how you as a business seek to identify and represent how you want to be perceived in the market. You communicate your identity to customers and prospects through your branding and marketing strategies. A brand is made unique by its identity. Brand identities include the following elements – Your logo, brand purpose and mission, brand personality, colours, (think how a red cola can is associated to coke and a blue one to pepsi), symbols, typography, language (how you communicate with your prospective customers), and photography styles.
Your Brand identity is a psychological and functional tool to form associations with your brand. You provide awareness and familiarity through your identity. Think Apple’s marketing efforts of all their products being placed on solid white backgrounds in advertising and on their website, very minimalist in design style. It is distinctly Apple and recognisable from a far.
Your identity is your opportunity to distinguish yourself from competitors and ensure that your brand remains top of mind.
Brand Identity. Get one!